Ross Cameron founded his company by day trading full-time. However, avoid referring to him as an entrepreneur, he is better known as a trading gurú. The term that best describes him is undoubtedly this one.
Ross Cameron is just the kind of guy that prefers to stay busy. He enjoys trading, and starting his company allowed him to gather like-minded people. As a trusted and reliable financial mentor and loved teacher, he has found great delight in witnessing the growth of this community.
His role at home is even more significant than it is at work. He has two amazing boys and is a happy married man. Ross Cameron enjoys tennis, sailing, mountain biking, and rebuilding old automobiles when not trading or teaching classes.
It can be hard to get him away from the computer. He even started a blog called Tire Kickers by leader Ross Cameron, which is solely devoted to his automobiles (Amazon).
At home, Ross Cameron has been making maple syrup for several years; in the Massachusetts Berkshires, where he resides, the winters are lengthy. He and his sons take sap from their sugar maple trees. It is a hobby as the days become longer in late winter. This year, he produced an episode contrasting his learning experience in day trading with his time making maple syrup in his backyard.